Clearing your Misperceptions of other People

This is for people who fear the motives of others , perhaps persecution.

For people who are constantly looking for attack or danger in the words or deeds of others , may think there is a conspiracy.

For people who have an unreasonable fear that other people do not like them.

For people who begin to have an irrational mistrust of others because of a distorted view.

For people who are in the blues , who then see the world through a lens of misperception. 

For people who feel powerless, depressed , relinquish activities and isolating oneself. 

For people who have exaggerated self importance, unwarranted jealousy.

For people who begin to have delusions.

The thought processes here have become tangled and unclear.

This may be a family trait.

It is a complex web of negative thought forms , blocks and miasmas with negative energies attached .
To help raise frequency so things become more clear. 

To aide in seeing the truth of a problem and people clearly .

To remove the fear of other people.

To remove the habit and paradigm , blocks , thought forms .

To remove the miasmas from yourself and the family hologram 

To excise the chains and trains of this from all past lives ancient and modern.

To remove all negative energies that are in this mix.

To help in regaining perspective and normal thinking .

For help with rebalancing and harmonising your mental, emotional , psychic and spiritual bodies, repair and rehabilitation.
Robina Hearle 

Rose Cottage Vibrational Essences

Your Cost of Holding onto Detrimental Emotions .

We all have a range of emotions. Some unfold as early as the inner child or in the womb.
Rage, anger , fear, jealousy, loneliness , frustration anxiety, sadness , these are but a few of the low frequency darker emotions we have . 

We also have higher frequency emotions , joy , love, delight, wonder, peace, tranquility, serenity , creativity. These can be over whelmed by the lower frequency emotions.

It’s almost like a program runs keeping us in a dark emotion and we cannot get out .

 We know that emotions trigger good hormones or bad ones to be simplistic . 

We know that the bodies PH is altered by emotions.

We know that emotions can develop into anxiety states, worry , depression , OCD, PTSD, and many more .

We know the cost of not looking at and clearing these emotions is illness, unhappiness , bitterness and no personal or spiritual development.

 We encourage you to look at an emotion when it arises and work out where it came from . It may be family , in the family hologram , it may be from work , it may be a repeated paradigm from childhood .

Our mission is for you to clear, own, change the energy of these emotions , so that you are not easily triggered into them. That situations that once enraged you now slide off you like water off a ducks back .

I can tell you from a personal experience that it is possible , it’s not a five minute job is entirely worth it to live in peace , awareness and chuckles ! 
Robina Hearle.