Whimsy better than joining the collective fear

A friend on Facebook noted how I was being very whimsical these days .

I replied it’s better than joining the collective fear, panic and anxiety present in today’s world .

The flu story has created a nasty energy felt by many who are sensitive and are empathetic.

No one needs to add to it or join in with it .

So my answer is to ignore it and take my mind to lighthearted things .

There are so many lovely pictures of endearing magical beings .

It also reminds me of the dimensions we live next door to !

So be whimsical and keep your frequency high , your heart in joy and lightheartedness !

Feel your Thoughts in your BodyΒ 

Feel your thoughts in your body .
Everything we think , feel or allow to intrude in our minds has a bodily response, this is tension of the tissues somewhere , muscles or in the viscera.

To be able to be aware and feel this you need to go into a mindfulness state and not allow any thoughts in . When thoughts do intrude feel how your body tightens or winds up .

Conversely when you follow a thought feel the emotions of it, you then sigh and the body unwinds and you feel a release.

Some people are very good at perceiving this winding and unwinding . You can train yourself to be aware of it.

Too much intrusion on you of others peoples angst and thinking has a response in your body .

Perhaps always be aware of what you do not need from sources outside of yourself . You have enough to deal with with your own thoughts and emotional responses, which you can clear and heal if you pay attention .

Otherworldly, Psychic Phenomena is on the Increase.

It is being noticed by those that can perceive that we are experiencing , seeing , feeling, participating in Otherworldly phenomena at a rate and intensity not seen in generations and possibly in millennia.
What’s more, more people have had their psychic gifts unlocked than ever before. More people are clairvoyant, clairsentient , channel information , have well formed intuition.

The rise in consciousness and frequency of many as well as the planet is allowing interplay between the dimensions . Most people have had an unusual happening a psychic experience , some will speak of it some will not. 

As we heal the rifts ,lift the curtains , pull away the mists , pour in new energies . The dimensions are being revealed .

The beings of the other dimensions are being acknowledged, believed in , healed, rehabilitated and restored.

From the Nature Spirits to the Fey folk , Angels to the humans and animals on the Astral Plane , great changes are occurring. New information and codes are being downloaded to humanity . The Lightworkers on the planet are creating change. No one will halt this return to our true selves and the return of the correct blueprint for the multi dimensional beings and where they reside.

What experiences have you had, as you speak of them it teaches others what is possible.

Robina Hearle.    www.unfoldingenlightenment.com.   Thank you to Margaret Drane for wonderful picture which she was directed to paint.

Children are psychic.

My granddaughter sees dead people.

My grand daughter sees dead people . It’s normal for her to call her mother and say there’s a man in my room or there is someone standing over there.

Luckily my daughter is psychic and can see spirit people also.

One evening granddaughter is chatting away to someone, daughter goes into her room and sees a Korean boy sitting in the cot . She knows who he is , a lad that had died of an asthma attack at the boarding school nearby and who had not gone to the light.

The sad part about that was he had died 10 years earlier and was still hanging around on this plane waiting to be rescued. Job done he was helped down the tunnel.

Many  young children are born with the gift of the sight . More and more actually are coming in with incredible gifts.

It is to support these children, not tell them off or deny their truths , so much harm is done this way.  Belief in them bolsters their confidence , please do not take this away if you are an adult who has not any gifts.

your children and your grandchildren are your teachers in so many ways .

Robina Hearle   http://www.unfoldingenlightenment.com

My sister Sue hates spiders.

Sue let a spider run over my face

Sue let a spider run over my face when we were children. We had to share a double bed in those days .Being the youngest I had already gone to bed and was asleep ,coming to bed Sue saw a large harvest spider on the pillow and watched it run over my face . Not only did she do nothing about it she then preceded to tell me the next morning . Sisters ! I was as you can imagine horrified and none too pleased with her .Fifty years on I still smile about it .

Where do we get our inherent fear of spiders and things that crawl . I think one thing is we have no control over them , they are unpredictable and we never know where they are going next .

We had one for ages that did a nightly patrol across the sitting room then would disappear under the settee.   The tales that peppermint or conkers deter them by the way is just that a tale ! I live in an old Suffolk cottage and the spiders have not read the folklore .

Have you ever heard of Miasms ? The Homeopaths will have . They are a precursor to diseases , very ancient energetic realities.  Well you can guess what shape they take yes spider.  Several clients now have seen them scuttle across them as the spirit healing teams seek to remove them. I also have essences for that …….that phrase is for ever heard if you are around me ,I have an essence for that .

Miasms was one of the first energetic phenomena the spirit teaching ,healing teams taught us about . I believe people see them subconsciously and know they are present in their energy field and have their revulsion for spiders coming from this.

Spiders are everywhere and do out number humans. Best not to dwell.

warm wishes
