Esoteric , Spiritual, wide thinkers are we.

For twenty years Sue and I have been finding out who , what and why .

Some of what we have found out is daunting sad and unimaginable to many who cannot think outside the box .

I would urge you all to keep asking questions , wondering , searching .

There are many false paths and trails that have been deliberately put in your path . For you have to recognise the cycle of reincarnation is a trap .

We cannot at this stage provide you with the answers that you seek , they may be different to ours.

Ask with a true heart and an intention to heal your soul and be able to reunite all the pieces of your soul that are scattered far and wide.

Your true light of honesty and integrity will shine through. Help will then be given.

How many different Consciousnesses are there ?

Science is now beginning to explore that there is consciousness in the universe

Up until now it’s been assumed that it is an epiphenomenological state generated by electrical activity in our nervous system and brain .

So this means that an assumption has been made that other life forms on the planet have no consciousness let alone outside of earth .

Fortunately other research and observations have put that idea to bed .

Plants have consciousness, trees , amoeba fungi , all living organisms.

Just because they do not have a human brain does not mean they are not aware or conscious.

People like us who have a wide range of metaphysical/esoteric knowledge have known this for a very long time .

We do not need science to prove it to us .

However many people do , if it’s not proven by science it does not exist .

Here’s a thought if your spirit and soul does not have a physical brain does that mean in the eyes of science they are not consciousnesses ? They are energy .

We know spirit people exist in another dimension.

Those of us who are aware and that’s a lot of people on the planet actually know they exist .

Then we come to a conclusion that we have also known for a long time is that energy has consciousness. The universe is littered with bands of energy , it’s not just an empty vacuum .

So a stone , a mineral , has consciousness.. ahh you say this cannot be , I would say why .. you cannot judge, you have to look outside the box of your thinking and not compare everything with a human brain thinking or consciousness.

So an interesting question is to ask , what role do all these consciousnesses have , and how do they work together if they do , or how do they contribute to the whole ?

This topic is very broad and deep and involves many aspects, like dimensions , spirit , soul , larger minds in the universes … fun to think about .

What it also does is make you realise there is so much more to know , and so much we do not know !

Thank you for reading 😊

Your Soul Journey , by Silver Light

Silver Light Speaks

Your soul journey

Your soul journey is unique to you but as yet your purpose on that journey may be unclear. In the grand scheme of things you have had many roles, many functions and many adventures here and elsewhere. So your journey and the adventures you have had through the aeons have been very fraught and not without dangers in the realities you have existed in.

During your long journey in times past, your soul energies have suffered great energetic damage in the historic battles of light versus dark, the magical wars and during and after the big bangs plus the times when you have been vulnerable and subject to sabotage.

This damage translates down into this reality as a myriad of energetic issues and malfunctions; pieces of your energetic reality missing or not functioning; many malfunctions you call disease; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual blocks; limited abilities that you should have as your birth right and maybe worst of all : the inability to remember who and what you are. Most of you cannot perceive your true reality and have forgotten and are misled at every turn about your soul purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Make no mistake about it, your blocked ability to remember and the interference of those whose remit is to deflect your from your soul journey and your soul purpose, is intentional because of what you really are and what earth herself truly is and your place in the scheme of things as well as earths. [We will tell you of this another time]

You cannot remember anything about your soul journey and many would say that this is intentional so that the integrity of this life is kept. However, we know and want you to also know that it is intentional, but not on your part, so that you forget and therefore repeat this part of your journey over and over in what we call the reincarnation trap.

You do not remember where you got to in your last incarnation or those before it [in this reality or any other ]. You do not remember what you achieved or if you achieved that you intended. The greater part of you that knows all is frustrated and wants you to wake up so that you can recognise who and what you are and what has happened to you. It wants you to see at last what you are and what your purpose is on this your soul journey, for only then will you begin to recognise the greater truths of your own reality, truths that are within your grasp but lie beyond this plane.

Your soul journey is and always has been undertaken to facilitate your soul purpose. This journey
has been interrupted by so many enforced repeated incarnations on earth that the original reasons for coming here are lost to you as is your history, your soul journey and your soul purpose.

You are lost in a dream, like sleeping beauty, but sleeping beauty wakes up does she not ? And who do you think wrote sleeping beauty to jog your memory hmm?

You are beings of light and your soul journey has been long and arduous and largely forgotten to this point, but the amnesia that affects you does not have to remain. It is within your power to wake up and begin to perceive the realities outside of the dream you have been living. With the touch or kiss of our restorative energies and with the help of our teams you can wake up and this is something you can all do now.

It is within your grasp. It is time …..

Imagine living in a bubble

Imagine living in a giant bubble

The bubble is a huge belief bubble

The bubble contains all the beliefs of everyone past and present in the world .

New ideas , knowledge are quickly squashed by the long established ever present beliefs in the bubble that have become a self for-filling prophecy , they are so powerful .

The bubble has become a trap of reality .

The bubble also encompasses the astral plane a created suburb of this plane of existence.

However many in the original bubble do bot believe the astral plane exists either.

It has now come about in this bubble that if science cannot prove it , it does not exist.

Some of the other very strongly held beliefs in this bubble are for instance

Man is in charge

Women are to be not respected , they are here to cook , clean and sex.

Fairies do not exist , neither does magic , spirits, Elementals , or anything else the naked eye cannot perceive .

The soul does not exist

Materialistic endeavours is what the world needs and wants , consumerism , power are the tools of success .

Money is worshipped

Man has a right to do what it likes with animals

Medicine and drugs are the only way to heal people

Healing energies are mumbo jumbo , cannot exist .

Star beings and space ships do not exist because we cannot see them with telescopes .

Other dimensions do not exist , (even though science has proved they do.)

Angels do not exist .

Animals have no soul or spirit and cannot feel pain .

Even though you cannot put God in a test tube he exists .

So when you have deep thinkers, people who explore the mysteries of life and spirit and soul , research the esoteric realms , have knowledge down loaded to them from higher spheres , it is negated because it does not fit in the parameters of the bubble of belief of the masses.

The people who do think and explore outside the bubble who recognise there is more than fish and chips, sex and rock and roll are the ones who Spiritually grow and find themselves . Self Realisation .

These people find the truth of reality , which is a far cry from what the bubble leads you to believe.

The more you think outside the bubble the weaker it becomes , the skin thins , the bubble is diluted .

What are your beliefs ?

If it seems to good to be true , it often is not your truth.

There are many therapies out there offering quick fixes. We find in fact they appear to work wonders. This is because the consciousness the Gestalt is fooled or brainwashed into not being aware anymore . You put it in a fog.

 Is this the right thing to do ? Surely you are just setting up another problem to be solved at a later date.

Your soul is aeons old with many healing issues that need addressing. The spirit of this lifetime has this life and past life problems to solve as well as the ancient soul issues. The spirit of this lifetime resides in a body .

You have a Deva of the body which we find has become corrupted and is unable to function and look after the body as it’s original blueprints plan . You have a Gestalt the consciousness of the body , again this has its working plan which we can often alter through our over riding it.

So as you can see we are complex beings energetically with many sentient parts.

Perhaps it is for you to understand and know inside yourself if a certain path of healing is actually going to cause more problems than solve.

We know it can take years of dedicated unravelling to uncover and transmute the many problems the soul has . It’s a step by step Path. A very interesting one ! 

Robina Hearle. 

Your Soul Songs. Have they been Sung ?

We each have our own set of harmonics which make up our soul songs. We have a birth song, a death song, a life song, and a song for each piece of soul.At birth our birthing song is sung as we come down the womb and into this reality this sets us up for the beginning of our life.

The inner child as the first piece of soul has a song which continues until the inner young child’s time is reached to take up residence . This sounds of this piece of soul is now song and takes over. This is the same for the inner teenager , young adult, late adult and old age .

When we die there is a death song that is sung throughout the process that aids our passing. The death song begins as we begin to cut the energetic links to the physical body. Each chakra has a cord which frays then disintegrates finally the silver cord which allows us to travel from our bodies in spirit finally frays and is cut. We then can travel down the tunnel to the astral plane as the song sings us into there.

All of these songs need to nbe sung in full and to the end.

We also have a song of life, that has with in it all the creations and paths of this life.

There are many variations and often songs are not sung fully to the end or are even started .Much interference can occur by us in hospitals …but that is another topic.

Robina Hearle.

Tricking the mind and body to hide painful issues 

If you trick the mind and body by various new therapies , does it help you or delay the pain ?

Tapping , Bowen , NLP , EMDR , hypnosis techniques of which there are many kinds, matrix reprogramming , any kind of reprogramming is this the right way to go ?

Are you in actual fact not dealing with the problem but just hiding it ? Covering it up ?pretending it’s not there , altering your consciousness or conscious awareness by taking your mind down a different route. Is this the correct thing to do , is it safe ?what are the long term affects ? Putting it in a box at the back of the cupboard and throwing away the key. Autosuggestion is like a slotted in new program you are running on . How do you remove it ?
What you are not doing is processing them , facing up to them and allowing yourself to look at all the facets and transmute the energy of them one by one

We know that many tragic events can cause soul loss . Broken spirits by brainwashing especially in the forces .

So many of my clients have had these techniques and I am dealing with the results .

      One chap had had hypnosis for stopping cigarette smoking , he feels that it was like a blanket and can still feel it there . He began smoking again. Addictions are a deep can of worms to treat. This feeling was then corroborated by another client who had a similar experience.

       Another lady had EMDR for child abuse , many years later she is still worried by it and all the thoughts , nothing changed . The pathways to it and its affects still remain open.

      I noticed with a colleague who was giving Bowen how often the clients came back because the technique did not seem to last. The body is stimulated to respond in a certain way .

 I think our physical , mental and emotional bodies are easily brainwashed and duped especially when they are so damaged already . Thoughts are energy always remember.
Robina Hearle. 

Has your inner child gone to never never land ?

Has Your Inner Child Gone to Never Never Land?


Reconnecting to your Inner Child.
Reconnecting to your inner child, what does this mean? why do I need to do this? , and who is this inner child anyway? And what has Never Never land got to do with it?
Your Inner child is a part of you, a real being. A fragment of your soul. The part of you that first consciously evolves from in the womb until six years of age. This child during this time experiences the world, and forms from these experiences her/his emotional pattern for life. This is the most important time in a person’s emotional development, because what happens now lays down behaviour patterns for life, good and bad.
It would be fair to say the Inner child is the real you, the innocent beautiful, angelic being that you came in as.
So why do I need to reconnect? Well you might not have to, but just need to acknowledge his or her existence and strengthen the bond.

If you need to reconnect it’s because the energetic connection has been severed and this fragment of your soul has been lost. This loss of connection occurs because of serious emotional, physical or mental trauma has been witnessed or been done to, and has occurred in the first six years of life [including the time in the womb] and the child has chosen to flee.

These children flee to the Cave or Never Never land. This place is very real , J.M Barrie’s story of Peter Pan and the lost and neglected boys is in part true ., children do escape to another plane of existence , remember we are talking about a soul fragment not a physical being. This soul fragment, this child may stay in the cave for the whole of your life if you do not make an attempt to heal your emotional issues, traumas and pain.
My sister and I who do this reconnecting work have met people who know there is a part of themselves missing and don’t know what to do. We have also met people who have completely blanked out their childhoods because it is too painful to go there. Others have known they have left whilst in the womb. Some people do not ‘do fun’, do not know how to play , be in joy, have wonder, have no concept of their child like qualities which are an essential part of our ability to experience the world. We have also met people who have a poor range of emotions.
Emotional energy in the form of traumas, issues, long held pain is held in your cellular memory and therefore it is in your tissues. This energy when it is not dealt with continues to grow as you experience your issues in different ways down the years, eventually this energy can begin to cause cellular change leading to dis-ease. If your emotional pattern begins in childhood then this is where you need to begin the healing process. This may be an energetic reconnection to your inner child through healing energy and the use of appropriate flower essences, or it may be just a strengthening of your connection and to begin work on childhood issues that surface.
Personal and spiritual growth comes about by years of cleansing issues and healing. Facing you emotional baggage is one of the hardest things to do; your issues begin here in childhood. You may not consciously want to gain spiritual growth but to simply be happy and have fun but know there is a block somewhere. To reconnect with your Inner child or strengthen you connection is the beginning of a healing journey which will eventually help you find out who you are.
By Robina Hearle and Sue Stothard.